
Wouters90 Wally



Head Consecrated Hood 602
Neck Malleable Pendant 583
Shoulder Deep-Dweller's Shoulderpads of the Aurora 580
Chest Pioneer's Cloth Robe 586
Hands Punctured Apiary Gloves 571
Waist Deep-Dweller's Cincture of the Aurora 571
Finger Spinner's Hoop of the Aurora 580
Finger Spinner's Circlet of the Aurora 580
Trinket Signet of the Priory 593
Trinket Mereldar's Toll 571
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Bough of the Autumn Blaze 506
Neck Torc of Passed Time 515
Shoulder Mantle of the Autumn Blaze 512
Hands Handguards of the Autumn Blaze 509
Waist Fused Shale Waistband 522
Finger Bloodied Wedding Ring 515
Finger Seal of Filial Duty 515
Trinket Augury of the Primal Flame 525
Trinket Neltharion's Call to Suffering 512
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Blue Silken Lining on Neck
Embellishment 2
Thriving Thorns on Feet
Head Flame-Touched Helmet 502
Neck Torc of Passed Time 502
Shoulder Greatwolf Outcast's Companions 506
Hands Greatwolf Outcast's Grips 506
Waist Hydratooth Girdle 512
Finger Signet of Titanic Insight 502
Finger Eternal Sentry's Ring 506
Trinket Rashok's Molten Heart 509
Trinket Ominous Chromatic Essence 493
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Adaptive Stonescales on Wrist
Embellishment 2
Blue Silken Lining on Finger
Head Zealous Pyreknight's Barbute 463
Neck Elemental Lariat 486
Shoulder Zealous Pyreknight's Ailettes 460
Hands Zealous Pyreknight's Jeweled Gauntlets 454
Waist Smoldering Chevalier's Greatbelt 476
Finger Ring-Bound Hourglass 463
Finger Signet of Titanic Insight 463
Trinket Smoldering Seedling 473
Trinket Coagulated Genesaur Blood 460
Off Hand Verdant Matrix Beacon 473
Embellishment 1
Elemental Lariat on Neck
Embellishment 2
Magazine of Healing Darts on Finger
Head Crown of Obsidian Secrets 428
Neck Torc of Passed Time 447
Shoulder Wingspan of Obsidian Secrets 441
Hands Claws of Obsidian Secrets 424
Waist Hail-Strung Belt 434
Finger Band of the Wyrm Matron 437
Finger Signet of Titanic Insight 437
Trinket Beacon to the Beyond 437
Trinket Ominous Chromatic Essence 437
Off Hand Crackling Codex of the Isles 437
Embellishment 1
Undulating Sporecloak on Back
Embellishment 2
Adaptive Stonescales on Wrist
Head Steelgazer Hide Hood 434
Neck Torc of Passed Time 437
Shoulder Spines of the Vermillion Forge 437
Hands Fists of the Vermillion Forge 437
Waist Watcher's Clasp of Purpose 424
Finger Tormentor's Siphoning Signet 431
Finger Signet of Titanic Insight 437
Trinket Dragonfire Bomb Dispenser 431
Trinket Mark of Dargrul 424
Embellishment 1
Toxified on Wrist
Embellishment 2
Coated in Slime on Feet