
AnxietyPixie Pixie


Silvermoon, EU (13) Retail English



Head Crown of the Awakened 499
Neck Ukhel Ancestry Beads 496
Shoulder Talons of the Awakened 486
Chest Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Raiment 460
Hands Grasps of Welded Anguish 480
Waist Hydratooth Girdle 499
Finger Onyx Impostor's Birthright 502
Finger Bloodied Wedding Ring 509
Trinket Smoldering Seedling 486
Trinket Elementium Pocket Anvil 493
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Conqueror's Nightsong Cover 454
Neck Sweet Perfume Brooch 428
Shoulder Veil of Turning Leaves 454
Chest Phaelia's Vestments of the Sprouting Seed 454
Hands Grips of the Unbroken 467
Waist Bloody Dragonhide Belt 454
Finger Snipping Sleet Circle 441
Finger Stormrage Signet Ring 467
Trinket Dancing Dream Blossoms 418
Trinket Rune of the Umbramane 418
Off Hand Thrumming Celestial Arrangement 437
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Silent Tormentor's Hood 454
Neck Dreambound Choker 428
Shoulder Valorous Glaivedancer Pauldrons 467
Hands Predatory Gloves 428
Waist Sash of Raging Tempests 385
Finger Lord Waycrest's Signet 441
Finger Signet of the Last Elder 454
Trinket Blood of the Old God 454
Trinket Madness of the Betrayer 454
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head The Horseman's Horrific Hood 402
Neck Pendant of Battle-Lust 389
Shoulder Dreambound Mantle 402
Hands Skittering Gauntlets 389
Waist Strategist's Belt 389
Finger Seal of Filial Duty 418
Finger Seal of Ghoulish Glee 402
Trinket Paracausal Fragment of Thunderfin, Humid Blade of the Tideseeker 402
Trinket Empty Fruit Barrel 385
Off Hand Experiment 1, Kitewing 431
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Gatecrasher Giant's Coif 428
Neck Heartbreak Charm 428
Shoulder Cyclonic Spaulders 252
Hands Ashen Predator's Skinners 405
Waist Dreambound Cinch 402
Finger Wicked Witch's Signet 402
Finger Seal of Ghoulish Glee 402
Trinket Beacon to the Beyond 424
Trinket Sphere of Red Dragon's Blood 389
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Helm of Hardened Gold 296
Neck Winking Eye of Love 264
Shoulder Spaulders of Wild Growth 276
Back Mammoth-Trainer's Drape 296
Chest Venomtail Chestguard of the Feverflare 194
Wrist Mardum Chain Wristclamp 186
Hands Torrential Downpour Gauntlets 266
Waist Venomtail Girdle of the Peerless 194
Legs Stasis-Freed Leggings 286
Feet Spiked Treads of Mutation 148
Finger Band of the Wyrm Matron 190
Finger Wicked Witch's Signet 194
Trinket Swift Hand of Justice 183
Trinket Unstable Elemental Confluence 183
Main Hand Riot Stick 167
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Hood of Burning Focus 232
Neck Alc's Pendant of Fiery Dreams 213
Shoulder Mantle of Autumn 232
Back Bonetusk Greatcloak 190
Chest Kelp Forest Vest 144
Wrist Vigorous Bracers of the Fireflash 194
Hands Vigorous Handguards of the Aurora 194
Waist Vigorous Belt of the Aurora 178
Legs Ravaged Leather Pants of the Feverflare 152
Feet Vigorous Stompers of the Aurora 170
Finger Wicked Witch's Signet 251
Finger Seal of Ghoulish Glee 251
Trinket Coren's Cold Chromium Coaster 251
Trinket Unstable Elemental Confluence 183
Main Hand Riot Stick 186
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Communal Hood 187
Neck Heartbreak Charm 217
Shoulder Communal Shoulderpads 187
Back Communal Cloak of Wisdom 187
Chest Communal Vestments 187
Wrist Communal Wristwraps 187
Hands Communal Handwraps 187
Waist Communal Cord 187
Legs Communal Leggings 187
Feet Communal Sandals 187
Finger Communal Band of Wisdom 187
Finger Communal Ring of Wisdom 187
Trinket Communal Idol of Wisdom 187
Trinket Communal Stone of Wisdom 187
Main Hand Communal Staff 187
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head The Horseman's Horrific Hood 213
Neck Heart of Azeroth 194
Shoulder Pauldrons of the Champion 68
Back Bloody Twilight Cloak 190
Chest Clutch of the Firemother 118
Wrist Stalwart Bands of the Aurora 194
Hands Uncanny Combatant's Plate Gauntlets of the Harmonious 72
Waist Scarred Bloodbound Girdle 159
Legs Terrastra's Legguards 114
Feet Boots of the Righteous Path 194
Finger Seal of Ghoulish Glee 213
Finger Tumultuous Ring of the Quickblade 190
Trinket Burnished Charm 166
Trinket Lacquered Carving 170
Main Hand Cookie's Meat Mallet 216
Off Hand Shield Against the Evil Presence 190
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Illidari Blindfold 130
Neck Illidari Chain 130
Shoulder Illidari Shoulders 130
Back Illidari Drape 130
Chest Illidari Robe 130
Wrist Illidari Bracers 130
Hands Illidari Gloves 130
Waist Illidari Belt 130
Legs Illidari Leggings 130
Feet Illidari Boots 130
Finger Illidari Band 130
Finger Illidari Ring 130
Trinket Demon Trophy 130
Trinket Charm of Demonic Fire 130
Main Hand Illidari Warglaive 130
Off Hand Illidari Warglaive 130
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Floodplain Cover 103
Neck Eternal Woven Ivy Necklace 123
Shoulder Pinerock Tracker's Shoulderpads 94
Back Inherited Cape of the Black Baron 123
Chest Floodplain Vest 100
Wrist Drogstitch Wristwraps 100
Hands Whalehunter Gloves 100
Waist Ruin-Stalker Belt 95
Legs Pufferfish Demolition Legwraps 117
Feet Freebooter Captain's Boots 110
Finger Band of Malorne's Chosen 87
Finger Rigid Tuskring 100
Trinket Swift Hand of Justice 123
Trinket Swift Hand of Justice 123
Main Hand The Dreadblades 66
Off Hand The Dreadblades 10
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2