
frosty Joweena




Head Chitinoid Coif of the Harmonious 571
Neck Elder's Hemolymphal Periapt 571
Shoulder Chitinoid Shoulderguards of the Quickblade 567
Hands Chitinoid Grips of the Quickblade 567
Waist Reinforced Anti-Intruder Chainmail 571
Finger 85-Year Tenure Ring 574
Finger Hoop of the Blighted 571
Trinket Twin Fang Instruments 571
Trinket Stormrider Flight Badge 558
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Zealous Pyreknight's Barbute 489
Neck Elemental Lariat 482
Shoulder Zealous Pyreknight's Ailettes 473
Hands Ravencrest Bonecrush Gauntlets 467
Waist Girdle of Burgeoning Apathy 467
Finger Band of Burning Thorns 473
Finger Lord Waycrest's Signet 467
Trinket Augury of the Primal Flame 470
Trinket Coiled Serpent Idol 457
Off Hand Desiccated Husk Shield 467
Embellishment 1
Elemental Lariat on Neck
Embellishment 2
Allied Wristgaurds of Companionship on Wrist
Head Greatwolf Outcast's Jaws 463
Neck Red Sky Pendant 447
Shoulder Greatwolf Outcast's Companions 460
Hands Flameseer's Winged Grasps 476
Waist Forlorn Leaf Clasp 467
Finger Arch-Druid's Tainted Seal 463
Finger Seal of the Regal Loa 463
Trinket Belor'relos, the Suncaller 463
Trinket Blossom of Amirdrassil 476
Off Hand Verdant Matrix Beacon 460
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Devout Ashdevil's Grimhorns 463
Neck Raven Filigree Pendant 470
Shoulder Devout Ashdevil's Hatespikes 476
Chest Devout Ashdevil's Razorhide 467
Hands Devout Ashdevil's Claws 463
Waist Blooming Redeemer's Sash 463
Finger Seal of the Regal Loa 476
Finger Signet of Titanic Insight 437
Trinket Ominous Chromatic Essence 441
Trinket Ashes of the Embersoul 470
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Crest of Lunar Communion 476
Neck Torc of Passed Time 424
Shoulder Shoulderguardians of Lunar Communion 463
Hands Touch of Lunar Communion 454
Waist Urctos's Hibernal Dial 463
Finger Band of Burning Thorns 460
Finger Ring-Bound Hourglass 424
Trinket Echoing Tyrstone 470
Trinket Pip's Emerald Friendship Badge 463
Off Hand Trickster's Captivating Chime 457
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Dracoif 463
Neck Chain of the Green Flight 467
Shoulder Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Sandbrace 463
Chest Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Raiment 454
Hands Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Clawguards 463
Waist Flame-Touched Chain 443
Finger Signet of Titanic Insight 437
Finger Entropic Convergence Loop 441
Trinket Coagulated Genesaur Blood 473
Trinket Neltharion's Call to Chaos 441
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Undulating Sporecloak on Back
Embellishment 2
Head Bough of the Autumn Blaze 437
Neck Amulet of Eonar's Chosen 460
Shoulder Benevolent Embersage's Wisdom 460
Chest Benevolent Embersage's Robe 470
Hands Benevolent Embersage's Talons 463
Waist Eternal Sentinel's Cord 463
Finger Rime Ridden Ring 441
Finger Beautiful Blizzard Binding 447
Trinket Vessel of Skittering Shadows 454
Trinket Ashes of the Embersoul 460
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Underlight Conjurer's Arcanocowl 424
Neck Torc of Passed Time 424
Shoulder Vibrant Wildercloth Shoulderspikes 424
Hands Underlight Conjurer's Gloves 428
Waist Sash of Abandoned Hope 424
Finger Scalebane Signet 431
Finger Entropic Convergence Loop 424
Trinket Spoils of Neltharus 434
Trinket Idol of Pure Decay 424
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Winterfrost Leather Helm of the Fireflash 194
Neck Mistdancer Necklace 187
Shoulder Spaulders of the Careless Thief 213
Back Mistdancer Cloak of Wisdom 187
Chest Crystal-Infused Tunic 213
Wrist Mistdancer Bindings 187
Hands Mistdancer Gloves 187
Waist Mistdancer Waistband 187
Legs Mistdancer Britches 187
Feet Mistdancer Boots 187
Finger Mistdancer Band of Wisdom 187
Finger Mistdancer Ring of Wisdom 187
Trinket Mistdancer Idol of Wisdom 187
Trinket Mistdancer Stone of Wisdom 187
Main Hand Mistdancer Staff 187
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Sunsoul Faceguard 167
Neck Sunsoul Amulet 167
Shoulder Sunsoul Shoulderguards 167
Back Sunsoul Cloak of Stoicism 167
Chest Sunsoul Chestguard 167
Wrist Sunsoul Armguards 167
Hands Sunsoul Handguards 167
Waist Sunsoul Waistband 167
Legs Sunsoul Legguards 167
Feet Sunsoul Greaves 167
Finger Sunsoul Ring of Stoicism 167
Finger Sunsoul Band of Stoicism 167
Trinket Sunsoul Defender Idol 167
Trinket Sunsoul Defender Stone 167
Main Hand Sunsoul Sword 167
Off Hand Sunsoul Bulwark 167
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2