


Soup Squad (18) Retail Silvermoon, EU English



Head Slag Accruing Mask 590
Neck Flickering Glowtorc 580
Shoulder Chiseled Boulder Pauldrons 593
Hands Dredger's Developed Gauntlets 590
Waist Lightning-Conductor's Bands 580
Finger Malleable Band 583
Finger Experiment 08752's Band 580
Trinket Entropic Skardyn Core 580
Trinket Vile Vial of Kaheti Bile 580
Off Hand Old-Blood Hielaman 593
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head The Cleansing Flame's Cowl of the Fireflash 580
Neck "Emergency Stop" Keychain 580
Shoulder Alighted Shoulderpads of the Aurora 580
Chest Tunic of Irradiating Imprisonment 590
Hands The Cleansing Flame's Handwraps of the Harmonious 580
Waist Pioneer's Perfected Cord 574
Finger Commemorative Light's Gambit Championship Signet 558
Finger Gem-Studded Signet of the Peerless 567
Trinket Mereldar's Toll 580
Trinket Quickwick Candlestick 571
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Inflammable Forging Goggles 584
Neck "Emergency Stop" Keychain 535
Shoulder Gem Waded Shoulderpads 584
Hands Gorebound Stranglers 571
Waist Cord of the Earthbreaker 580
Finger Gem-Studded Ring of the Harmonious 574
Finger Gem-Studded Band of the Harmonious 571
Trinket Darkmoon Deck: Radiance 577
Trinket Darkmoon Deck: Symbiosis 577
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Slime Goliath's Cap 574
Neck Gem-Studded Pendant of the Fireflash 574
Shoulder Lockstitch Epaulets of the Harmonious 545
Hands Tempestwind Handlers 571
Waist Lockstitch Sash of the Harmonious 564
Finger Hoop of the Blighted 571
Finger Radiant Necromancer's Band 535
Trinket Shining Arathor Insignia 574
Trinket Charged Stormrook Plume 571
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Scarab's Carapace Cap 574
Neck Elemental Lariat 502
Shoulder Tracker's Toughened Shoulderguards 554
Hands Tracker's Toughened Handguards 548
Waist Reinforced Anti-Intruder Chainmail 548
Finger Hoop of the Blighted 548
Finger Radiant Necromancer's Band 554
Trinket Darkmoon Deck: Ascension 577
Trinket Darkmoon Deck: Radiance 577
Embellishment 1
Elemental Lariat on Neck
Embellishment 2
Head Grimhorns of the Sinister Savant 480
Neck Eye of the Rising Flame 489
Shoulder Amice of the Sinister Savant 480
Chest Cursed Robes of the Sinister Savant 480
Hands Twisting Shadow Claws 489
Waist Dalaran Defender's Greatbelt 480
Finger Ring of Returning Memories 480
Finger Dalaran Defender's Favor 480
Trinket Faded Ebony Scale 480
Trinket Weathered Northrend Sigil 480
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Sunsoul Headpiece 467
Neck Sunsoul Necklace 467
Shoulder Sunsoul Spaulders 467
Hands Sunsoul Gloves 467
Waist Sunsoul Belt 467
Finger Sunsoul Ring of Wisdom 467
Finger Sunsoul Band of Wisdom 467
Trinket Sunsoul Idol of Wisdom 467
Trinket Sunsoul Stone of Wisdom 467
Off Hand Sunsoul Shield 467
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Mystic Heron's Hatsuburi 470
Neck Elemental Lariat 476
Shoulder Mystic Heron's Hopeful Effigy 467
Hands Mystic Heron's Glovebills 467
Waist Bloody Dragonhide Belt 470
Finger Signet of Titanic Insight 463
Finger Ring-Bound Hourglass 476
Trinket Coagulated Genesaur Blood 463
Trinket Mirror of Fractured Tomorrows 463
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Elemental Lariat on Neck
Embellishment 2
Verdant Tether on Back
Head Crest of Lunar Communion 476
Neck Chain of the Underking 441
Shoulder Shoulderguardians of Lunar Communion 463
Hands Grasp of the Furnace Seraph 441
Waist Urctos's Hibernal Dial 463
Finger Signet of Titanic Insight 463
Finger Lord Waycrest's Signet 457
Trinket Pip's Emerald Friendship Badge 470
Trinket Idol of the Dreamer 463
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Blue Silken Lining on Back
Embellishment 2
Rallied to Victory on Wrist
Head Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Dracoif 463
Neck Ironshell Pendant 470
Shoulder Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Sandbrace 454
Chest Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Raiment 467
Hands Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Clawguards 450
Waist Ohn'ahran Falconer's Belt 480
Finger Band of Burning Thorns 447
Finger Signet of Titanic Insight 463
Trinket Belor'relos, the Suncaller 463
Trinket Nymue's Unraveling Spindle 463
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Rallied to Victory on Legs
Embellishment 2
Head Blazing Dreamstalker's Flamewaker Horns 467
Neck Glittering Gelid Goldchain 447
Shoulder Blazing Dreamstalker's Finest Hunt 454
Hands Blazing Dreamstalker's Skinners 463
Waist Forlorn Leaf Clasp 454
Finger Signet of Titanic Insight 463
Finger Ring-Bound Hourglass 463
Trinket Shikaari Huntress' Arrowhead 480
Trinket Gral's Discarded Tooth 480
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Adaptive Stonescales on Wrist
Embellishment 2
Blue Silken Lining on Finger
Head Wyrmforged Helm 480
Neck Torc of Passed Time 463
Shoulder Molten Vanguard's Shouldervents 470
Hands Molten Vanguard's Crushers 473
Waist Smoldering Chevalier's Greatbelt 450
Finger Signet of Titanic Insight 463
Finger Ring-Bound Hourglass 463
Trinket Ancestral Protector's Stone 480
Trinket Nightmare Egg Shell 450
Embellishment 1
Roiling Shadowflame on Wrist
Embellishment 2
Head Life-Bound Cap 463
Neck Ouroboreal Necklet 450
Shoulder Lucid Shadewalker's Bladed Spaulders 450
Hands Lucid Shadewalker's Clawgrips 454
Waist Ottuk Hide Sash 480
Finger Band of Burning Thorns 473
Finger Signet of Titanic Insight 424
Trinket Gral's Discarded Tooth 489
Trinket Witherbark's Branch 454
Embellishment 1
Blue Silken Lining on Head
Embellishment 2
Blue Silken Lining on Wrist
Head Piercing Gaze of the Risen Nightmare 463
Neck Elemental Lariat 463
Shoulder Skewers of the Risen Nightmare 463
Hands Thorns of the Risen Nightmare 463
Waist Smoldering Chevalier's Greatbelt 463
Finger Signet of Titanic Insight 437
Finger Ring-Bound Hourglass 424
Trinket Gral's Discarded Tooth 480
Trinket Pip's Emerald Friendship Badge 463
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Elemental Lariat on Neck
Embellishment 2
Allied Wristgaurds of Companionship on Wrist
Head Zealous Pyreknight's Barbute 441
Neck Verdant Combatant's Jeweled Amulet 412
Shoulder Verdant Combatant's Draconium Pauldrons 412
Hands Zealous Pyreknight's Jeweled Gauntlets 441
Waist Arctic Warden's Girdle 447
Finger Band of Burning Thorns 447
Finger Band of Callous Dominance 441
Trinket Cataclysmic Signet Brand 447
Trinket Pip's Emerald Friendship Badge 444
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Ottuk Hide Helm 421
Neck Heat of Primal Winter 389
Shoulder Autumn Druid Shoulderpads 421
Hands Autumn Druid Grips 418
Waist Belt of Gleaming Determination 441
Finger Verdant Combatant's Jeweled Signet 412
Finger Verdant Combatant's Jeweled Signet 412
Trinket Dancing Dream Blossoms 418
Trinket Fang of the Frenzied Nightclaw 418
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Devout Ashdevil's Grimhorns 450
Neck Ouroboreal Necklet 463
Shoulder Devout Ashdevil's Hatespikes 467
Chest Devout Ashdevil's Razorhide 457
Hands Grips of the Sinister Savant 431
Waist Blooming Redeemer's Sash 463
Finger Onyx Impostor's Birthright 437
Finger Signet of Titanic Insight 463
Trinket Pip's Emerald Friendship Badge 457
Trinket Belor'relos, the Suncaller 476
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Roiling Shadowflame on Back
Embellishment 2
Roiling Shadowflame on Wrist
Head Heart-Lesion Helm 467
Neck Heart-Lesion Pendant 467
Shoulder Heart-Lesion Pauldrons 467
Hands Heart-Lesion Gauntlets 467
Waist Dalaran Defender's Clasp 493
Finger Heart-Lesion Ring of Might 467
Finger Heart-Lesion Band of Might 467
Trinket Heart-Lesion Idol of Battle 467
Trinket Heart-Lesion Stone of Battle 467
Main Hand Blades of the Fallen Prince 10
Off Hand Blades of the Fallen Prince 10
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Cowl of the Burning Scroll 346
Neck Timerunner's Amulet 342
Shoulder Guardian Serpent Mantle 346
Chest Raiment of the Burning Scroll 346
Hands Sha-Skin Gloves 346
Waist Guardian Serpent Sash 346
Finger Timerunner's Ring 342
Finger Timerunner's Seal 342
Trinket Timerunner's Idol 342
Trinket Timerunner's Beacon 342
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Waterburst Helmet 332
Neck Timerunner's Amulet 342
Shoulder Nightwatcher's Pauldrons 346
Hands Stormbrew Gauntlets 332
Waist Yaungol Slayer's Girdle 332
Finger Timerunner's Seal 342
Finger Timerunner's Ring 342
Trinket Timerunner's Beacon 342
Trinket Timerunner's Idol 342
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Nimbletoe Helm 304
Neck Timerunner's Amulet 342
Shoulder Mogubreaker Spaulders 346
Chest Jerkin of the Shattered Vale 276
Hands Grips of the Haunted Forest 248
Waist Waistband of Seven Sacred Seals 276
Finger Timerunner's Ring 342
Finger Timerunner's Seal 342
Trinket Timerunner's Beacon 342
Trinket Timerunner's Idol 342
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2